Workshops & Seminars
Profound Paradigms offers several seminars to help you become much more effective.





Strategic Profits

Jim Rohn




Noble Samurai


Strategic Profits

Jim Rohn


 Noble Samurai




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Profound Paradigms offers workshops and keynote addresses by our President, Rick Sharon.  For more information or to book one of our workshops or seminars, please contact:  When doing so, please specify which session(s) interest you:

How I earned a 135% return on investment in just 10 months!

This 60 minute seminar provides an overview of a powerful stock market forecasting technique coupled with aggressive investment vehicles, which yielded a 135% return on investment during a 10 month period from January to October 2008.

Want to double your strength?  In just a few minutes of exercise time?  How??

This 30 minute seminar provides an overview of Rick Sharon's initial experience using the "Static Contraction" strength training technique.  After switching from circuit weight training to "Static Contraction" workouts Rick was able to:

  • Reduce his strength training workouts from 12-18 hours per month to 20-30 minutes per month with only 1-2 minutes per month actually spent lifting weights.
  • Double his strength for several exercises in just his first 1-3 months of workouts, after spending literally just a total of 4-8 reps and a few minutes doing each type of exercise.  Case in point: he doubled his leg strength in just the first 4 weeks then doubled it again in the 6 months that followed.
  • Achieve better progress in his first 3 months than he had from 10+ years of circuit weight training
  • Do all of the above without the use of steroids, creatin, dietary supplements, and changes to diet.  The only variable was using a far more efficient and effective strength training paradigm.

Comedy Writing Secrets

A one hour introduction to various comedy writing fundamentals.  With the information presented in this workshop you will be able to begin creating your own humorous material.  Doing so is especially useful as a stress-busting technique and is just plain fun.

Don't Get Mad, Get Funny!

Do you sometimes feel stressed out about your job?  Are your investments causing you grief?  Are there days when life just does not cooperate?  Do you sometimes catch yourself thinking "Murphy was an Optimist!!".  What do you do about that?  Do you let your anger turn to rage?  This 20 minute keynote offers a much healthier alternative:  using humor instead of anger.  It also shares valuable resources to help you do so.

Feedback Oreostm

Criticism does not work.  So what's the alternative?  This 20 minute session introduces a simple yet powerful feedback technique modeled after the Oreo Cookie.  This workshop also covers best practices for implementing the Oreo method of feedback.  (Note: Oreo is a trademark of Nabisco and in no way affiliated with Profound Paradigms).

Evaluation Oreostm

Criticism does not work.  So what's the alternative?  This 45 minute session introduces a simple yet powerful speech evaluation technique modeled after the Oreo Cookie.  This workshop also covers best practices for implementing the Oreo method of speech evaluation.  This presentation has been a big hit at Toastmasters Leadership Institutes.  (Note: Oreo is a trademark of Nabisco and in no way affiliated with Profound Paradigms).

Help!  Our Club Only Has 8 Members Left

This two hour workshop is targeted to struggling Toastmasters clubs.  1/3 of the material deals with survival skills for small clubs.  The remaining material is a smorgasboard of best practices to create and grow a very healthy club.  Much of the material is also suitable for clubs other than Toastmasters.

Profound Paradigms: Your Future, Your Survival Depends on Them!

In three short years, the Swiss Watchmaking industry saw their share of industry profits drop from 90% to less than 10%, 77% of their workforce lost their jobs.  In just five years, an entire 24 BILLION dollar a year American Industry went out of business.

Why?  Because both failed to embrace and shift to powerful new paradigms.  Will your job or industry be next?  What are paradigms?  Why are they important? Are they really crucial to your economic survival?  What does it mean to shift a paradigm?   This 20 minute keynote will answer those questions and challenge you to use a new resource to help you find your next profound paradigm.

I'm Not Ready!

When faced with some new challenge, have you ever caught yourself thinking or saying "I'm Not Ready"?  What did you do about that?  In this 20 minute keynote address Rick Sharon shares how to deal with those feelings of not being ready, how to overcome inertia and tackle your challenges, and most importantly why you should do so.

You Are What You Think!

Do you still dare to dream about doing the impossible?  In this 20 minute keynote address, Rick Sharon introduces you to the awesome power of your own mind and it's ability to make your dreams come true.

For more information or to book one of our workshops or seminars, please contact:  When doing so, please specify which session(s) interest you.

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Subjects include:

ReturnToTopSpeech Ideas


ReturnToTopToastmasters Supplies

  • Toastmasters International’s On-line Store sells:
    • Various club supplies e.g. ribbons, ballots, pins
    • Speech Manuals
    • Educational Modules and other publications from Toastmasters International
  • District 25, usually operates a supply store at their Toastmasters Leadership Institutes (TLIs) and District Conferences
  • Regional and International conventions usually also operate supply stores.


Public Relations and Media



ReturnToTopSpeech and Meeting Evaluation

ReturnToTopClub Management and Tracking

ReturnToTopPlanning Meetings

ReturnToTopSpeech Contests

ReturnToTopImages and Logos

From your web browser you can copy and paste these images or “save as” to download. These are for official Toastmasters use only. Before you use the Toastmasters logos, please refer to International’s policy regarding use of their trademarked images.

The names "Toastmasters International", "Toastmasters", and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

ReturnToTopToastmasters Blogs and Wiki Pages

Welcome to!

Are there any aspects of your life or business you MUST improve?

We are here to help!

We specialize in finding, mastering, and sharing paradigms, information, and tools that can have a profound impact on transforming your business and your personal life.

We seek out high impact information, mentors, books, websites, CD and DVD programs, seminars, software, tools -- anything that can provide profound information, best practices, and optimal use of your precious time and resources. Where we see gaps or opportunities for improvement we supplement with our own products.

We share information with you through our blogs, articles, on-line forums, consultants, products, and those we partner with.

You can participate actively in our and your quest for profound knowledge through on-line forums, especially our mastermind study groups.

A simple or google search will show you there’s a vast mountain of information “out there”. We help you mine the “nuggets of gold” from it.

At the heart of what we do is what the Japanese call Kaizen, what Success Coach Tony Robbins calls CANI! - Constant And Never-ending Improvement. We search for ways to significantly improve how you conduct your business and life. When we find things that have a significant impact, we share them with you.

What do you want from life? From Business? How can we help you grow?

In order to use our forums:

  • You must log in to be able to post messages
  • No profanity, no pornography, no material others would find offensive
    If in doubt, leave it out.
  • Keep it civil
    • No flaming, no insults, no slander, no "food fights"
      "Play nice" with each other.  We can disagree but do NOT get disagreeable
    • Treat each other with respect
  • Do not violate copyright
    • In our study group forums (you and) we
      • do discuss an author's works
      • do share our insights, experiences, and related information pertaining to that material
      • do not duplicate the author's works
    • If you exerpt material, keep it brief, cite your sources
    • Honor any license requirements by authors of the materials you want to share
      if they say don't share, then don't share.
  • Do not share proprietary information unless YOU own it. 
    • If it is a trade secret that you do not own, do not share it
  • When a study group does a "group study" of a specific author's work, in order to participate, you must satisfy at least one of the following:
    • You own a copy
    • You have legitimately borrowed a copy
      e.g. from a library, school or a friend; provided doing so does not violate license restrictions by the author
    • You have studied the material before via an owned or legimately borrowed copy
  • Do not "mine the forums" for business prospects
    • We are here to
      • Exchange ideas
      • Build our collective intelligence
      • Help each other
    • We are not here
      • To sell products -- ours or our affiliates
      • To SPAM people
      • To argue with people
      • To oftend people

Profound Paradigms reserves the right to

  • Moderate forum messages
  • Suspend forum privleges for repeat offenders or serious offenders

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